Confessions of a Middleagedmom

surviving motherhood in the “middle ages”

Gestational Diabetes Meal Plan Progress December 4, 2007

Filed under: baby,children,food,moms,pregnancy — middleagedmom @ 4:14 pm
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Okay, so I’ve been on this meal plan for about 4 days now. It hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be. I am actually getting enough to eat. I try to eat more vegetables and proteins at my meals. I stay within my carb limit for each snack and meal. 

I’ll be honest, I am craving some sweets. I thought it would be okay to eat some sugar-free foods (those with added artificial sweetners) but since there are only a few “safe/approved” artificial sweetners on this meal plan, I haven’t eaten those things.  I wanted to eat some “chocolate” covered almonds from See’s candies that are sugar-free but they have one of those “unapproved” artificial sweetners. (See my earlier post on my GD class.)

Last night I submitted my numbers for the past few days. The nurse said that my results were good so I could actually test my blood sugar only 2 times a day on Monday thru Thursdays. I would still need to test 4 times a day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Although testing less sounds really good, I think I’ll continue with 4 times a day. It’s much easier for me to monitor myself if I check that often. Plus, I think I’m so goal-oriented that I need to see my number within the acceptable range just to know I’m doing okay.

I think the most difficult part so far (besides the sugar cravings) is that you have to be so regimented in terms of time. For example, I have to always be aware of what time I start my meal so that I can test 2 hours after that time. Then if I’m going to be out of the house, I have to remember to carry my “little black case” with me and a little ziploc bag to put my used lancet in to dispose of later. Also, I have to remember to eat my snack in between my meals. I try not to eat it too close to my meals too. Sometimes it’s difficult if you’re out and doing something. And of course, counting carbs and watching your portion sizes.

The encouraging thing is that gestational diabetes can usually be controlled with diet and exercise. I notice that if I do a little bit of walking after my meals it does make a difference in my numbers. I always remind myself that I’m eating healthy meals for myself and my baby. It’s nice to know that I don’t have to be a “slave” to food…esp. sugar.  I keep asking for God’s grace in this endeavor and His strength to get me through those cravings.

I really want to say THANK YOU to all those who have been so encouraging! I really appreciate it! It’s nice to know that I’m not alone. If you have gestational diabetes or think you may have it, YOU are not alone. I’m here and there are great people out there in the blogosphere who are so encouraging!